Ubuntu Foundations Development Summary: November 2, 2017
on 2 November 2017
Tags: 18.04 , Bionic Beaver , LTS , Subiquity
This newsletter is to provide a status update from the Ubuntu Foundations Team. There will also be highlights provided for any interesting subjects the team may be working on. If you would like to reach the Foundations team, you can find us at the #ubuntu-devel channel on freenode.
- Artful Aardvark, 17.10, has released. Check out the release notes for more info.
- Subiquity has had several updates to make it prettier, easier to use and translatable.
- Quick instructions to try it out:
- urlbase=http://cdimage.txd.ailinhuayi.eu.org/ubuntu-server/daily-live/current
- isoname=$(distro-info -d)-live-$(dpkg –print-architecture).iso
- wget ${urlbase}/${isoname}
- dd if=/dev/zero of=target.img bs=1G count=0 seek=10
- kvm -m 1024 -boot d -cdrom ${isoname} -hda target.img -serial stdio
- Any help with translations at https://translations.launchpad.net/subiquity/trunk/+translations would be appreciated!
- Quick instructions to try it out:
The State of the Archive
- We have a name for 18.04 – Bionic Beaver. The team is in the process of opening the archive for what will be our next LTS release. Here’s the 18.04 Release Schedule.
- The opening of the archive is bringing with it icu 59.1 and boost 1.65.1; and Qt 5.9.2 is expected to land soon, along with ocaml 4.05.
Weekly Meeting
IRC Log: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2017/ubuntu-meeting.2017-10-26-15.00.moin.txt
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