
Top 10 questions about Ubuntu Server

by Canonical on 26 October 2012

What’s different about Ubuntu Server? Is it secure enough to use in my business? Will it work on my hardware? Whether you’ve already deployed Ubuntu in your...

Cloud and server

Manage thousands of desktops, servers and cloud instances with Landscape

by Canonical on 17 October 2012

Landscape provides a single, easy-to-use, browser-based control panel, through which you can manage your machines from anywhere. With a fully scriptable API,...

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Ubuntu Server Edition for the enterprise

by Canonical on 21 September 2012

In this white paper, we’ll take a look at how Ubuntu’s unique dual-release cycle can bring the best innovations from the open-source world to your test and...


Ubuntu Desktop for the enterprise

by Canonical on 21 September 2012

Ubuntu has become a serious contender for businesses looking for desktop alternatives. As an open-source system, it offers huge licensing savings over...

Cloud and server

Creating the open cloud

by Canonical on 4 May 2012

Amid all the hype surrounding the cloud, there has been a growing need for open and proven components that enable any business to benefit from elastic...

Cloud and server

Configuring Keystone in OpenStack (Essex)

by Canonical on 16 April 2012

Keystone is an identity service written in Python that provides a pluggable back end, designed to support various protocols for authentication and...


Ubuntu Server: the best choice for business

by Canonical on 13 March 2012

Leading Linux-based operating system Ubuntu Server is engineered to support the needs of business in 21st century. In this why paper we look at 11 top reasons...

Cloud and server

Ubuntu and Hadoop: the perfect match

by Canonical on 13 March 2012

In many fields of IT, there are always stand-out technologies. This is definitely the case in the Big Data space, where Hadoop is leading the way. However,...

Cloud and server

Ubuntu: helping drive business insight from big data

by Canonical on 13 March 2012

Today, Big Data isn’t just for big companies, and it isn’t just happening on the web. In fact more and more organisations in multiple sectors are recognising...


Open source: an educated decision

by Canonical on 20 May 2011

In this white paper, we de-bunk the myths that proprietary companies have built up to discredit open-source technology, explaining how it can help schools,...


10 reasons to migrate

by Canonical on 11 February 2011

The computing world is extremely polarised when it comes to proprietary vs. open source, and a million industry voices tell a million different stories. Even...